Contact Us
If you ever have a question or concern for us or would like a tour of our campus, feel free to give us a call or stop by our office. We are open Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Office Hours
Monday through Friday
7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Phone, Fax, and Email
Main Office: (480) 474-6720
Attendance Line: (480) 474-6721
Fax: (480) 474-6740
Registration Email
School/Classroom Visits
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Parents of Prospective Students
Queen Creek Unified School district encourages prospective families to visit our schools. Prospective families can visit the front office of any of our schools during regular business hours to receive a tour. Visitors shall comply with the following requirements:
- All visitors must be able to present some form of current government-issued photo identification (driver’s license, passport, military ID, United States or other government identification).
- Schools will provide visitors with a sticker or label to designate them as such while on campus, which they will display at all times.
- Parents of prospective students will be required to be accompanied at all times during any campus visit by a current staff member.
Parents of Enrolled Students
Queen Creek Unified School district welcomes families to visit our schools. Visitors shall comply with the following requirements:
- Classroom observation/visit requests shall be approved unless they threaten to interfere with the physical, intellectual, social, or emotional health and/or safety of students and staff.
- Classroom observation/visit requests must be received by the teacher/principal at least 48 hours in advance of the proposed visit/observation.
- Classroom observations are limited to 30 minutes.
- All visitors must be able to present some form of current government-issued photo identification (driver’s license, passport, military ID, United States or other government identification).
- Schools will provide visitors with a sticker or label to designate them as such while on campus which they will display at all times and return following the event or activity. Visitors may be accompanied during any classroom visit by a current staff member.
Health and Safety Parameters
For purposes of this policy, the following requests threaten to interfere with the physical, intellectual, social, or emotional health and/or safety of students and staff, and are therefore not allowed:
- Requests for campus visits during state testing, other testing periods, or at other times that would clearly interfere with educational instruction or disrupt the educational environment.
- Requests for campus visits by parents who have demonstrated failure to abide by parent behavioral expectations (set forth below).
- Requests that, for other reasons, threaten to interfere with the physical, intellectual, social, or emotional health and/or safety of students.
During any approved campus visit, parents will be subject to all policies applicable to campus visitors, including safety requirements for providing identification, signing in and out of the campus, and if applicable, being accompanied by school staff. All visitors are subject to the policies and procedural directives of QCUSD. Visitors are not permitted to interact with students or staff during the instructional day. An individual failing to comply with any of these procedures and/or causing a disruption of the educational process may be removed from the campus.
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