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How can I enroll my child at Katherine Mecham Barney Elementary?
You’ll find registration and immunization information on the district Enrollment page. Please register online or download a registration packet and follow the instructions on the page. Once you have completed your forms, you can email them to our registration office.
What grades will this school serve?
We serve students from preschool age through sixth grade.
When is the first day of school?
All students will start July 21, 2021.
What are the boundaries for Katherine Mecham Barney Elementary?
You are welcome to view the boundaries for Katherine Mecham Barney Elementary School.
Will KMBE provide transportation for my child?
Many parents take advantage of transporting their student(s) on their own, but as we do provide bus depot options, you are welcome to explore QCUSD Transportation services. The bus depots are located at all elementary and middle schools throughout the district. Routes might take up to 30 minutes. As a result, the morning pick-up times could begin as early as 6:45 a.m., and afternoon drop-off times could be as late as 4:15 p.m.
We want to ensure the safe delivery and pick-up of all students, so we ask that parents choose from one of three options:
- Wait in the parking lot to safely deliver and receive their student at the depot.
- Use the services of QCUSD Community Education through our Discovery Kids program.
- If you live within the square mile of the depot location, we ask that you sign a waiver with the Transportation department stating that your child will walk to and from the depot on their own (third through sixth grade only).
What is a School of Choice?
Schools of Choice have a theme or specialized programming that is different from other neighborhood schools. They are designed to attract students with common interests or skill sets.
What special programming will Katherine Mecham Barney Elementary School have?
We offer an accelerated curriculum in math and English language arts. We also include Project Lead the Way as part of our STEAM programming. This includes computer science and robotics at the intermediate levels. Our school is a Leader in Me® campus, following a program that empowers students with the leadership and life skills they need to thrive in the 21st century based on Stephen R. Covey’s book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.
What does acceleration in math and ELA mean?
We provide our students with an accelerated curriculum map that allows them to learn English language arts and math content a grade level above their current grade, in addition to meeting current grade-level standards.
Is there a test required for admittance to the school?
You do not have to "test in" to enroll, but you will need to provide current grades as well as previous grades when requesting enrollment. We may give a readiness assessment once students are enrolled to allow teachers to create individualized instructional groups based on student readiness.
Will the school have special classes like music and P.E.?
Yes, we offer the same music and P.E. specials as the other elementary schools in our district.
Will KMBE offer art classes?
Yes, we have a part-time art teacher as part of our STEAM programming.
What type of technology will this school have?
We have equipped all classrooms with 2:1 Chromebooks, and a Smart Panel is available in every classroom.
Will students wear uniforms?
Yes, we require our students to wear uniforms.
Why do students wear uniforms?
School uniforms provide a sense of belonging and pride. Rather than worrying about fashion trends, our students focus on remaining diligent in their academics and promoting school spirit. We believe uniforms also help reduce conflicts among peers. School uniforms additionally help parents save time and money. We will provide more details about our specific dress code as the new school year approaches. For now, please see page 18 of the QCUSD Family Handbook to familiarize yourself with district dress code expectations.
Will you provide special education services at KMBE?
Yes, we will provide special education services for students who require an IEP.
Will you offer gifted/ELP classes on campus?
Yes, rather than offer a pull-out program, all of our teachers receive specialized training and provide gifted services through differentiation within all classrooms.
How much do school meals cost? What do you serve?
Our district provides healthy meals for its students that meet state and federal nutrition guidelines. Families interested in applying for reduced breakfast/lunch should contact the school office or the nutrition office at the district to apply. Applications are also available online. Eligibility is dependent on income level. Meal prices are listed on the District Nutrition page.
Will the school offer before and after-school enrichment programs?
The QCUSD Discovery Kids program is available before and after school. If a student takes advantage of the bus depot system, they may take advantage of Discovery Kids at the depot site if the site offers the option.
Will you offer Preschool at this site?
What are the start/end times?
School runs from 8:05 a.m. to 2:55 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, and from 8:05 a.m. to 12:55 p.m. on Wednesday.
What if I live in the boundaries for Katherine Mecham Barney Elementary but don’t want my child to attend a School of Choice?
QCUSD provides transportation to a nearby “sister school” for students within the boundaries who do not wish to attend the School of Choice.
Are there special requirements for parents who have students attending the school?
We ask that both students and parents sign a student-parent contract outlining the expectations of our school.